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About .cn domains

Who can register .CN domains? New registrations unavailable
Domain name restrictions3-63 characters in length
Registration length New registrations unavailable
Renewal length1-10 years
Renewal restrictionsNone
Nameserver requirements
  • Maximum of 6
  • 1 required for website or email
  • Unique IP address
Transfers to ITEGY Not supported
Transfers awaySupportedAccount mergeSupported 6
Contact updatesSupportedcomplete real name validation for the new information.

After completing real name validation the first time, you will have to complete it any time you want to change your registrant organization, first name, and last name.

3 Expiration/redemption

Days after expirationState
Less than 15Can be renewed without a fee
15-40Can be renewed with redemption fee
Greater than 40Removed from your account

4 Refund policy

The standard policy for domain refunds applies with the following additions/exceptions:

  • Manually renewed domain names are non-refundable

6 Account Merge

  • Accounts without .cn domains can be merged into an account with .cn domains, but not the other way around.

Exceptions to Cancellation for .CN Domain Names:

In the CRM, submit a CCTLD - Domain Cancellation Request escalation. The DCAS ccTLD Team will reach out to the customer to confirm the request, and complete the cancellation.